Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Snack Time

In an ideal world three meals would be enough.
But we're growing girls who need snacks. Snacks that college students can afford.
Upon "pinteresting" the other night this picture surfaced:

Behold apple nachos. Well apples are cheap and dessert toppings are always on hand, so why not combine them?
Here's how it goes:

Those were so delicious it sent they sent out a wave of creative ideas like what if you had a whole fruit nacho bar?
What if you cut up pineapple, strawberries, apples, kiwi, etc. and had all sorts of toppings?
Sounds like a party.
Give them a go.
Meanwhile stare at this picture:
Cutest kitten in the world.

and listen to this tune:
Love this guy's voice.

Live. Love. Dream.

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