Tuesday, March 27, 2012


So three Sunday's ago I (Logan) got really sick of my long hair, and I had to chop it off. So i got a hair appointment for the next day. I really wanted a pixie cut, but decided that it was to extreme for now. I probs would have gone into shock. So I went back to a hair cut that I had in 8th grade, but it was cut badly back then and I looked like an idiot for several months until it grew below my manly jaw. So I got a much better cut 2 weeks ago.
This is the only example of my cut that I could find :)

Then I decided to dye it on Sunday (like two days ago) because I found some dye in my mom's drawer and remembered that I love to dye my hair...............It was a bit darker than I thought it would be. These two pics were taken yesterday, not when I was 5, and a cat, like in the above pic.

 This was a terrifying time for me.

Then it magically turned out somehow!! oh ya.

I hope that you can enjoy how ridiculous I looked during the dying process and also several years ago. I have even better examples of how bad the cut was, but I can't find them, so cat face will have to do. Also, I like the change that short hair has brought. It is definitely weird to have my neck exposed.

Here is a cluster of pics of my fam from years ago, just for a little bit more enjoyment :)

L8r sk8r's.
Love, the Friendship Addicts


  1. Beautiful pictures of yourself! Atrocious pictures of me!! Good thing my awkward stage only lasted ten years and not 15!

    1. Are you saying that mine lasted 15?! I didn't even have an awkward stage!! ha.
