Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Guest Blogger- Gene

So today's guest blogger is Gene, or Eugene. A little less than two years ago he moved to our hometown and became really good friends with Paige because of orchestra. He is very funny, and dresses well. Today he is going to share his feelings on “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic”. Enjoy!!

                   Gene, this is the best pic I have ever seen of you, you are very handsome! Congrats.

So, I’m quite fond of this blog. One day I decided to tell Logan this, and she asked me if I wanted to be the guest blogger this week. What the heck is a guest blogger? I asked and was then told that every week they had a guest come in and write about three paragraphs on whatever they wanted. Apparently, most of them are about friendship and whatnot (hence the name “Addicted to Friendship”) but she said that variety was good and that I could be creative and maybe talk about my “creepy obsession with ponies”. You got it, Logan.

It all started a few months back. I was on Youtube when I noticed one of the people I was subscribed to was uploading full episodes of a TV show called “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic”. What the heck? Isn’t that a show for little girls? After a quick Google search I came to the realization that a whole community had been built around this TV show mainly consisting of older men from their teens and up. And guess what they call themselves? Bronies. Men watching My Little Pony? What is this? I was curious and decided to see what the craze was about and watched an episode.

Fast forward a few months and here I am having seen every episode up to date and eagerly anticipating every Saturday morning for a new one. Why? This show was created by a woman known as Lauren Faust, who is known for her work on the Powerpuff Girls. When asked to create a new My Little Pony TV series, she decided that not all little girl’s shows needed to be about braiding hair, picking dresses, and having tea parties. This isn’t your regular mindless little girls’ nonsense. This is good. She made this something that can be enjoyed by anyone, despite it being targeted to children (like Disney movies!). The animation is smooth, the humor is smart and hilarious, and there are musical numbers that stay in your head for weeks. And the best part? Every episode teaches an awesome lesson on friendship that can benefit everyone-- all while keeping it interesting with awesome plotlines! There’s one episode in which Pinkie Pie becomes depressed because she thinks everyone is avoiding her, when they’re really planning a surprise party for her! During her depression she goes into a sort of physcological breakdown that’s pretty much impossible to not find hilarious. It’s not the sort of thing you'd find in typical little girls’ shows.

So, maybe you still think it’s creepy, but give it a chance anyway. This is an awesome show and it’s even more awesome that Hasbro has let every episode be uploaded in full HD onto Youtube for your convenience. Give it a chance, and I guarantee you'll find yourself singing along to the theme song eventually. You might even say you'll be "addicted to friendship"! Hah! I'm so funny! Anyway, what are you waiting for?! Go, go, go! Remember, friendship is magic, brony!

 Gene is now employed at Mcdonald's. Rock on, buddy :)
 This cracks me up. On facebook the title for this pic was "I am so good with children". HA!!
 "Just chillin' with my pal Pika"
 Ya, I don't even know.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good blog post!


  1. This Gene Hayes character is making quite the scene on the net these days! I can't go to Logan or Paige's fb pages without coming across this kid. What a stud. (And a good writer might I add! Really-it's impressive for a sophomore). I will however, never take a liking to the term brony.

  2. Thank you, Conner! And that's quite understandable; ponies aren't for everyone.
