Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wednesday Guest Blogger- Dax

Using Hard Work to Accomplish Your Dreams

I love how Logan and Moriah love to dream. Dreaming is just so cool. Realizing one’s dream is like putting on chapstick for the first time—it’s probably the best thing that’s ever happened to that person. Ok, maybe not like the chapstick but that moment is definitely a memorable one right? Also memorable is the path one had to hike to get there. In the words of Miley Cyrus, "It's the climb." I came across a quote that summarized this idea quite nicely by Colin Powell, former Secretary of State: “A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.” Yep, hard work! No Wizards of Waverly Place here. I recently committed myself to soccer training 3 times a week at 6 in the morning. Frankly, it sucks but I still get up and go because I know it will pay off (who doesn't want a good looking body???) One of the things that drives me crazy these days is the unwillingness to work that a lot of people possess. I feel it's a huge problem in America and even in our own school.
So where did the determination go? Don't we want to be good at anything? Don't we want to survive? If we had to work as hard as people did thousands of years ago to survive, half the population would be dead (that must be why overpopulation was no big deal back then haha). Can you imagine if the world today worked as hard as those of olden times? Better yet, can I imagine myself if I worked as hard as they did? Wow. Things would be a whole lot different.
I love the people that say they would love to be really good at something, then they go home and play video games constantly. What good does that do? C'mon! It's all bark and no bite. I also get a kick out of those commercials that say, “Take one simple pill and you’ll start losing weight instantly!” or “Get the toned abs you’ve always wanted by drinking green tea!” Ha! I think that’s absolutely ridiculous (wink, wink! A shoutout to my fellow photographers haha)—you don’t get abs by drinking green tea. (Sidenote: I don’t want to bang on any company that makes such items because such items could in fact be their own dream that they worked hard to make happen, I just don’t believe that they work. Obviously they had the drive to make it reality so kudos to them! End sidenote.) I had an experience years ago when some guy held up a candy bar and said, “Who wants this candy bar?” Everyone's reaction was to jump up and down and scream "me!" After about 5 seconds, a smart guy nonchalantly walked up and simply took it. Brilliant isn’t it? The point is, if you want something you gotta go get it.
It takes effort to do most anything in life and I think it’s time we get off our glutei and get moving. If you have a dream or passion it’s time to go chase it! If you haven’t discovered your passion, put in the time and effort to find it. Lets go find that driving force in our life. Let’s be fully committed to what we believe in and be willing to work hard in whatever we do!

Thanks Dax, we all need to remember that hard work can get us wherever we want to be, and is absolutely necessary to fulfill our dreams.

Have a great Wednesday, it's been real.


  1. So I really really love this post. And before even reading it I made a list last night that had a list a goals to do before September 2013. They are all my passions. And even with 3 kids I am going to do them all!!! Yay for determination and passions!!! :)

  2. Jenna i am happy that you are planning on achieving your goals, you totally deserve to make them happen!! love you man-lo
